Hum Nutrition’s Hair Strong Capsule Takes on Consumers’ Pill Fatigue and Hair Loss Worries

by админ

The brand argues comparable products require as many as four daily pills, creating a challenge in encouraging shopper follow-through.

Hum Nutrition's Hair Strong Capsule Takes on Consumers' Pill Fatigue and Hair Loss Worries

“Consumers were telling us that the leading hair growth solutions that are drug free require too many pills per day,” says founder and CEO Walter Faulstroh.Hum Nutrition’s new iteration of its Hair Strong Gummy, the Hair Strong Capsule ($26), takes on consumers’ pill fatigue by offering a single-capsule solution for hair loss.

The brand argues comparable products require as many as four daily pills, creating a challenge in encouraging shopper follow-through.

“Consumers were telling us that the leading hair growth solutions that are drug free require too many pills per day,” says founder and CEO Walter Faulstroh. “Four to be precise.”

He adds, “We wanted to change that by offering a groundbreaking one capsule per day formula that has been proven in a double blind placebo controlled study to improve hair growth and fullness. Results come fast and best of all at 1/3 of the price.”

According to a recent survey from Global Cosmetic Industry, ingestible hair supplements to combat hair issues are currently used by 27% of respondents for the following reasons:

  • Make hair healthier
  • Reduce hair loss
  • Strengthen the hair follicle
  • Reduce constant shedding
  • Improve health of the scalp
  • Delay/reduce gray hair

Hum’s Hair Strong Capsule Ingredient Powerhouses

 The Hair Strong Capsule’s ingredients include:

  • botin for hair, skin and nail health
  • folic acid to encourage keratin production
  • B12 for red blood cell creation and oxygen distribution to hair follicles for growth stimulation
  • zinc for follicle health and reduced shedding 
  • fo-ti (Polygonum multiflorum) to support hair growth and color
  • PABA for hair fall prevention and encouragement of healthy growth
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Addressing Key Hair Health Worries

Hum Nutrition's Hair Strong Capsule Takes on Consumers' Pill Fatigue and Hair Loss Worries

“Growth, fullness and strength are key concerns for our consumers,” says Faulstroh.Hum”Growth, fullness and strength are key concerns for our consumers,” says Faulstroh. “Oftentimes consumers enter the category when postpartum, perimenopausal or overall when their hair needs extra attention due to excessive exposure or stressors such as heat, chemicals and extensions.”

Faulstroh notes, “Our formula is tried and tested in a gold standard clinical trial (randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled), where 60 women aged 18-60 reported the following impressive results. 94% noticed improved hair strength, 89% faster growth, 91% saw less shedding, 86% noticed increased fullness and 91% noticed a more vibrant hair color.”

As for what’s next, Faulstroh couldn’t say much: “As always, we remain tight lipped about any future launches but rest assured, Hum continues to be at the forefront of wellness with our clean and clinical approach to ingestible wellness.”

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